BEWARE - Buildings as an intElligent WAter REsource

This page present real time measurement data for the experiment BEWARE. The data will be updated automatically every minute. The experiment is conducted by Aalborg University, Department of Civil Engineering, in collaboration with COWI A/S and Søren Enggaard A/S.

More information about the experiment setup can be found here

Aalborg University
Søren Enggaard A/S
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Precipitation period:
??? of ???? min. (??%)

Hydrometeor classification code according to SYNOP WaWa

Intensity Rain rate [mm/h] SYNOP WaWa (Tabel 4680)
light ≤ 0.2 51
moderate 0.2 ... 0.5 52
strong ≥ 0.5 53
Drizzle with rain    
light ≤ 0.2 57
moderate, strong > 0.2 58
light ≤ 0.5 61
moderate 0.5 ... 4.0 62
strong ≥ 4.0 63
Rain, drizzle with snow    
light ≤ 0.5 67
moderate > 0.5 68
light ≤ 0.5 71
moderate 0.5 ... 4.0 72
strong ≥ 4.0 73
Snow grains    
light, moderate, strong - 77
Freesing rain    
light ≤ 0.2 87
moderate > 0.4 88
light, moderate - 89

Catchment overview

Catchment Overview